
Dr. Roumpakis has treated hundreds of patients during his practice years. This is just a sample of testimonials garnered during the years. We thank these patients for their kind words.

"I am a Christian woman, forty years of age, have had back pain and migraine headaches for years. Doctor after
doctor, x-rays, tests, pills. Recommendations: Go to Canada or have surgery. Seen Dr. Roumpakis. Few treatments:
no pain. We will always be grateful to Dr. Roumpakis for what he has done for us."
~ Aloma.H

"My longstanding back pain was so bad I couldn't function. My family doctor put me on muscle relaxants and pain
killers - told me "Fill them again, these things take time." I was on codeine, had to stay off work, I had to find something
else. "I even couldn't turn over during treatments". "Your treatment helped, I have no more pain, you will be there for
me if I need it again. Thank you."
~ Joan .H

"Just to let you know how much I appreciate the care and understanding you have given me. When I first came to you
I had a serious disc problem, thanks to your treatments I am much better, I couldn't walk a lap around the football track,
now able to walk 2 miles. All the treatment that you have given me has had a tremendous effect on my body. I have
much energy, less aches and pain. Thank you for taking such good care of me."
~ Inez .G

"I will be forever grateful to Dr. Roumpakis, for the treatments, for the personal concern he showed to me, for the time
he took, to listen to my complaints, my gripes. It has to be enheartening to him, to see a person filled with misery, and
pain-to return to a vibrant normal human being, knowing he had so much to do with it
~ Dolores .C

"Dr. Nick has one of the finest Sports Medicine Clinics in the area. He has helped many Griffith High School athletes
already this season plus he put me back together again this summer after a season of misery last winter. I shall
always be grateful to the good doctor for his concern and care."
~ Jerry

"Dr. Nick-just a note of appreciation for your compassion, your caring your understanding for listening to me, for being
my friends you are special people, and my life is richer because I know you. God Bless you."
~ Ruth .H

"I was struck with a severe ankle injury, I received two ultrasound treatments on my ankle for three days. 2 days later I
was able to play and score 10 points in just 4 minutes of action. The next night I played all 32 minutes and scored 26
points and we won. As crazy as it seems, after the treatment, I went on an eight game scoring surge consisting of a 24
pt. average/game. Thanks a million, Doc."
~ Jerry .G

"Dr Nick I want to thank you for all the help you have given me. I feel much better, and wish I could have come
sooner. You are very good as a doctor and person who cares, I surely will recommend more patients to you as I
continue to be a patient
~ Eleanor .H

"Thanks for your kindness, you are great people, I'm happy I met you."
~ Shirley .M

"I had a circulatory problem, you were honest in your assessment and didn't promise me chiropractic treatments would
cure my problem. For that, I'm truly grateful. Thank you very much.
~ Mary .H

"Dr. Nick, I will never forget what you did for my back. I know it can't be cured but your treatments have saved me
from surgery, and I know anytime it gets real bad again, I can call you."
~ Cora .G

"I want to tell you how much I appreciate the good care that I received from you. Over the past 23 years I had bursitis,
heart palpitations, headaches, backaches - you name it. I felt miserable 24 hours a day." Over the past 23 years I
have gone to 6 different chiropractors, and if could grade them from a 1 to a 10, none could get a 7 or an 8, but Dr.
Nicholas gets a EIIG 10. I limped into his office and walked out feeling so much better. I can now take long walks
without pain."
~ Elizabeth .M

Medical diagnosis: Sprain of ankle, heat advised, swollen like a melon, not getting better, 2 weeks of this -frustrated, I
contacted Dr. Roumpakis. Diagnosis fracture, casted, treated, I feel much better, in consideration of the treatment I
received both physically and personally, I can only give my highest recommendations and most sincere gratitude to Dr.
Nicholas Roumpakis."
~ Randall .L

"Remember when I was carried in your office by two of my fellow officers a few treatments later, I walked out, I followed
you all the way, and I'm with you all the way."
~ Tom .H

"I came to you 15 years ago, you told me straight then, you're telling me straight now, you're the kind of person I want
to deal with for my medical problems. No one else qualifies. Thank you.
~ Jack .G

"I came down with an infection of my finger, swelling, warm to touch, antibiotics, Cellulitis, swelling increased, pain,
throbbing, right arm elevated, infection spreading, arthritis developed over joints, damage. Thanks to Dr. Roumpakis
professional care my hand is stronger 80% restoration of previously damaged finger. I feel Dr. Roumpakis has
rendered personal and attentive care."
~ Juanita .G

"Being taken and taken care of - back pain - 3 weeks therapy -no help. Pain pills, no help. Saw Dr. Roumpakis.
Therapy in office, no more pain, it has to do with caring and how you are taken care of Thanks doc."
~ Mary

"Dr. Roumpakis gets an A+" -hand was asleep- numb -finger and hand strength weakened - swelling -completely gone
after treatment."
~ Kathy

"After the prompt, courteous, and I might add successful treatment by you, thr first Question asked concerned the
pain and the cause. Usually, the first thing doctors want is insurance claims or money. I would like to say it is "very
reassuring" to know that there are still doctors around who are genuinely concerned about their patients before their
pay, and who treat their patients as friends first. The concern you displayed gives new meaning to the term bedside
manners and it makes you a credit to your profession and an asset to your patients."
~ Mrs. E C.

"Dr. Roumpakis, I hope you have a great Christmas. I know I will because of the great treatment you gave me."
~ Clarisse .C

"Thank you for your personal attention on my injured finger. I will never forget the attention you gave me."
~ Kenneth

"Thanks, Doc, for the superb care you have given me, recommend you always!"
~ Chris

'Words cannot express how you have helped me, not only physical, but also in a mental way because you always
had time to listen to me and you didn't make me feel like the things I said were unimportant. Your practice goes
beyond the normal word of "practice" for a physician, because you show more than just a practice. You show deep
and honest concern for your patients and time to give each of them the professional attention and care they need. I
am very grateful for the opportunity of meeting you, and shall never forget you."
~ Erma

"Doctor, you have helped many athletes from Calumet High School. We all appreciate that you donated seven years of
your time attending home and away football and basketball games. You know, many doctors would never have done
what you have. We do not have enough words to thank you."

Coach Carl-Varsity Basketball Coach, Calumet High School (1971-1998; 2007-2008)

"I was diagnosed as having a bleeding ulcer, often, I awoke at 2:00 am and became violently ill with my condition.
After a few weeks of treatment and the natural medication you gave me I have not had any episodes of becoming sick
during my sleeping hours in the morning. I was very hesitant to make an appointment with a chiropractor for a
condition so totally unrelated. Thank you for your personalized care in making me feel well again."
~ Ray

"Dr. Roumpakis, I want you to know how grateful I am and always will be for how much you did for me when I was in
severe pain. I was unable to walk due to pain in my back I came to your office with crutches. I could not even walk
straight up. You took care of me everyday. The third day I was able to walk with a cane. Within a week, I felt good. I
haven't had any back pain since. May God bless you and reward you for all the good you do for people."
~ Matt

"Let me start out by saying that you are the most important person I met in my life. I have to thank the Lord a
thousand times because of our encounter. You bring me joy and happiness every time I see you. I enjoy talking to you
and better yet, love being in your company. The world needs more people like you. You're the kind of personal that
could put a smile on anyone's face no matter who they are or what they are. You have significantly changed my life.
I'm at a time in my life when I suffered the greatest loss a man could every have - the loss of my beloved wife. but
with every loss comes a gain- and that is where you, my friend, come in. I am so happy I met you. May the Lord
bless you again and again. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors with your business."
~ Frank

"Dr. Nicholas Roumpakis, my best friend doctorate human being." I do not have words to express my appreciation to
you. Keep up your goodness. Your letter expressed your sincerity."
~ Aurelio

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your professional treatments and care, which pulled me through
when others thought I would be needing surgery. In my opinion, I believe that without your advice and treatment, I
might have had unnecessary surgery, and Lord knows how it might have turned out. I owe you a lot Doc. Thank you
very much and God Bless you and your family.'
~ Robert

I am writing this letter about Dr. Roumpakis. would strongly recommend hen for anyone in need of medical help. I
am 83 years old and in very bad shape. Two months, I couldn't walk, had extreme arthritis, poor circulation, pain in
every joint in my body 6 treatments, and I now feel 60 to 70% better, I can now drive my car after two months of not
doing so, and walk with a great deal more ease."
~ Carl

"I could not use my right arm without great pain for over six months, going from one doctor to another, nothing helped,
just pain pills with no help, they made me sick, God was with me that morning when I looked in the phone book and
saw your name, I have been to other chiropractors, but none took the time that you did, and do the work you did.
Thanks to you I feel much better, and I tell all my friends about you.
~ Alma

I became dizzy to the point of walking off sidewalks, bumping into walls and not being aware of obstacles in my path.
Many, many tests were done, dizziness still there, more tests, pills, dizziness still there. One doctor took 42 x-rays,
nothing. Specialists seen nothing. A neighbor told me about you. 3 treatments 50% better, after weeks, I could now
run, bicycle, work in yard, jump, turn my head, roughhouse with my grandson. Someone with my problem or something
similar should not give up. They should see Dr. Roumpakis."
~ Leroy

"One year of agony -asthma -inhalers, emergency rooms, hospital stays -no relief -you gave me natural medication, I feel
great plus it was diagnosed wrong -it was Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder, and you found it." Thanks.
~ Sheila

"I have referred many patients to you, the great majority feeling better, I will continue to refer. I am your greatest
testimonial out there."
~ Greg

"Thank you for your treatments, I feel so much better with no pain."
~ Deborah

"Doctor you have helped me and my family very much and I have the most confidence in you and your abilities to
advise us in health matters and recommend natural alternative medicines and treatment."
~ Frank

Our Location

Merrillville Office Center 6111 Harrison St., Suite 211 | Merrillville, IN 46410

Office Hours

By Appointment Only


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





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We look forward to hearing from you.